Partner Groups

Local Indivisible Groups

Mill Valley Community Action Network
We are Mill Valley and Southern Marin residents standing up for American values and democracy. We use members’ skills and interests to oppose the extreme right wing agenda of Trump and his administration. We work to promote equality, tolerance and just solutions to problems that have contributed to Trump’s rise MVCAN website

United Marin Rising
United Marin Rising is a grassroots organization that strives to engage Marin residents through education and social/ political actions to achieve social, environmental and economic justice and equity. United Marin Rising website

Marin County Resistance: Indivisible
Our group is part of the Indivisible movement, created by former congressional staffers, to RESIST the TRUMP AGENDA. Twitter handle is @MarinResistance. Marin County Resistance on Facebook

“Time to Lead on Climate” Partner Organizations

Visit the Lead on Climate website to view videos of “Election 2016: Tipping Point for Climate” and Jared Huffman’s “Town Hall on Defending Our Environment”

Organizing for Action Marin- Belle Cole
OFA is renewing its national network of over two million volunteers to fight back through grassroots organizing and strategic leadership on climate and other issues. Join OFA Marin’s post-election committee in reaching out to those deeply concerned who want to take action. Let us know what issues matter to you.

Sustainable San Rafael- Bill Carney
Now more than ever, it’s up to cities and states to act to curb climate change and build sustainable communities – with environmental balance, economic vitality and social equity. Your voice at City Hall!

Resilient Neighborhoods- Tamra Peters
Even with the changing climate and new administration in D.C., you can still make a difference. We teach you how to reduce your carbon footprint. Then you do it with others in your community. Marin participants are already reducing enough carbon emissions to prevent almost an acre of Arctic sea ice from melting every year. We all need to act now!  Contact us:

Environmental Forum of Marin- David Kunhardt
Our classes and lectures present the facts of climate change and other important environmental issues.
EFM starts with science, and ends with inspiring advocacy, on the cutting edge for 44 years.

Citizens Climate Lobby- Peter Joseph
CCL is intensifying its work to generate the political will to pass a Carbon Fee and Dividend program. We returned to the Hill soon after the election— November 15 — with 250 stunned volunteers who conducted 350 meetings in the House and Senate. We train and support volunteers to engage the media, the public, and members of Congress.

Golden Gate Electric Vehicle Association- Dale Miller
GGEVA is a non-profit organization that educates the public about electric vehicles, their value and importance in fighting climate change, and their benefit to the economy. Replacing gas cars with electric cars is the most effective step drivers can take to slow climate change. Join GGEVA at to help us promote electric vehicles.

Shore Up Marin- Douglas Mundo
Shore Up Marin works with Marin County’s diverse shoreline communities to respond to sea level rise, flooding and climate change.

Sustainable Marin- Greg Brockbank, Kiki La PortaSustainable Marin advocates sustainable policies and action: clean energy, resource protection, adaptation to sea level rise, green commerce, and fair social policies including affordable housing.

Marin Conservation League- Doug Wilson, Pamela Reaves
The Marin Conservation League focuses on countywide environmental policy, including climate change. It studies and analyzes issues; proposes policies; educates and mobilizes citizens; and monitors outcomes.

Marin School of Environmental Leadership- Randy Baker
MarinSEL engages students and creates future community leaders through a multi-disciplinary, project-based high school education with a focus on environmental issues.

Cool the Earth- Carleen Cullen
Cool the Earth’s grassroots, school-to- home program engages parents to run its free climate program at their kid’s school, an action that inspires hundreds of families to take thousands of carbon-saving actions.

Sierra Club Marin Group- Max Perrey
The Marin Group includes over 4,700 Sierra Club members who live here, is one of the oldest environmental organizations in Marin, and continues to be a strong advocate, locally and beyond. Since the election, the Group participated in the protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline at the San Rafael Citi Bank, dedicated its Holiday Party to the activists at Standing Rock and featured a speaker who recently returned from Standing Rock.