Is this stronger action than other cities in Marin have taken? Others and the County have done things as this Marin IJ article says but easier permitting is not a whole strategy. And there is this on TV about it as well
The Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption strategy
Read about it HERE. With support from people who heard about it, some from us with an email Blast sent to those in San Anselmo who receive our emails, people showed up some talking about the climate emergency we are in, it is hard for cities who all have decided to have their city buy Deep Green 100% Renewable for all their needs (Have You?) to say no.
How we did it: Five spoke in support of it, including representatives from 350Marin, Drive Clean Marin, and Indivisible Marin. More were ready to speak, but one councilmember, understanding the big crowd, said something like “we’re probably going to support so don’t need all of you to speak.” In total, around 15 people were in the crowd for this one item and the simple act of supporters BEING THERE was very powerful, yielding a palpable sense of pressure on the Council. Quite loud applause filled the room when they passed it unanimously.
Why it matters: San Anselmo is Marin’s first municipality with a specific strategy to accelerate EV adoption. Transportation is THE LARGEST contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Marin, and this plan should move other cities in the area to do this as well, maybe even set a goal to get their city to do more and sooner.
What’s Next: Now, for San Anselmo, comes the implementing of it, quickly, and paying for it, but a good start. Goal is to have 3,000 EV’s in San Anselmo by 2030 (they have 377 now). If they do what they have in the plan, they’ll likely exceed the target.