This is the the full list we are acting on right now. So, when you are calling your legislator you can mention all of them. No need to go into detail, just how they should vote and the number of the bill is enough.
Call Marc Levine’s office (916 319-2010 in Sacramento or 415 479-4920 locally) about these bills:
AB 56 – VOTE NO Takes the choice out of our Community Choice programs as it gives a state agency a new task to procure energy that each ratepayer will have to pay for. The word “backstop” is used frequently but the definition is not clear and it gives this central buying authority so many reasons to buy the energy. It takes control away from Community Choice Energy programs that were set up to buy or build local clean energy resources.
AB 857 – VOTE YES Establishes a new way for local governments to do their banking without, as they do currently, relying on the Big for-profit Banks that make so much money off of local governments. Allows our local governments to charter local public banks,
AB 342 – VOTE YES Prohibits the development of infrastructure on state lands that would support the transport of oil and gas from protected, or formerly protected, federal lands. Covers tidal lands, tribal lands, and lands that Trump administration has removed from protected status.
AB 936 – VOTE YES Requires shipping entities to develop additional oil spill response plans for tar sands (non-floating crude oil) and requires additional liability for companies doing this shipping.
AB 1046 – VOTE YES – Revises the state’s Electric Vehicle rebate program and puts goal of 5 million EV’s by 2030 into statute.
AB 1080 – VOTE YES Requires plastics and other single-use materials be reusable, fully recyclable or compostable by 2030; would also require California to recycle or divert from landfills 75% of single-use plastics.
Call Senator McGuire’s office ( 916-651-4002 in Sacramento and 415-479-6612 locally) about these bills. We are pretty certain he will vote right on all of these::
SB 386 – VOTE NO Allows for an exception (precedent) for two irrigation districts in the Central Valley to count large hydroelectric power from Don Pedro Dam towards their Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requirements. This, if passed, would set the stage for much slower development of solar and wind power as all other entities make the case for using their large hydro for the same purpose. It undermines the negotiated plans for CA clean energy goals in landmark bills like last year’s SB 100 and the 2015 bill, SB 350. He has said he would vote no so not as important as some others but worth a mention.
SB 1 – VOTE YES Makes current federal clean air, climate, clean water, worker safety, and endangered species standards enforceable under state law, even if the federal government rolls back and weakens those standards.
SB 288 – VOTE YES Called the Solar Bill of Rights. it protects the right of consumers to generate and store their own clean energy without interference from utility; targets charges that create 5 barriers to install renewables and unreasonable barriers to connecting to the grid.
SB 54 – VOTE YES same bill as AB 1080 above
SB 127 – VOTE YES Called the Bike and Pedestrian Planning, Complete Streets bill – Requires Cal Trans to incorporate bike and walking needs into certain kinds of upgrade and maintenance projects on state highways that run through specified urban areas.