SB 100 Passes! CA Sets Goal of 100% Renewable!

SB 100 Passes! CA Sets Goal of 100% Renewable!

UPDATE ON SB 100 in Marin/Sonoma:   SB 100 passed the Assembly with 44 votes and it was signed into law by the Governor just before the Global Climate Action Summit!  There were 21 Co-Authors and Marc Levine was one of them.  This means California joins Hawaii as the...
Electrify Everything

Electrify Everything

Electrify Everything Welcome to the Electrify Everything Campaign! At 350 Marin, we believe in a sustainable and clean future powered by electricity. Our mission is to promote the widespread adoption of electric power across all aspects of our lives, from...


Divestment is the opposite of investment–it simply means getting rid of stocks, bonds or investment funds that are unethical or morally objectionable, particularly fossil fuel investments which are a risk for investors and for the planet.   We are calling on...

Bland with #NoDaPL Water Protectors!

The fight is not over.  But the temporary success of Dec. 4th, requiring an Environmental Impact Statement has given way to Trump’s Executive Order and the US Army Corps of Engineers closed down the process of getting comments on the EIS and issued the easement...

Feb 16th – Protest SPO Partners!

On February 16th, join us at the Shelterpoint Business Center just off 101 in Mill Valley to tell SPO Partners and Wells Fargo to stop funding fossil fuel infrastructure and development projects. More than ever, it’s up to us, now, to keep fossil fuels in the...
Climate-Diet Team

Climate-Diet Team

It’s time to celebrate another Summer of Love and let’s include compassion for all sentient beings Read “The World Peace Diet” by Dr. Will Tuttle Watch “Cowspiracy” (Netflix) and “A Life Connected” (YouTube) Visit a farm animal sanctuary Choose a plant-based diet Help...